Page 119 - LIT-18626-13-52
P. 119 Page 112 Monday, May 17, 2021 1:01 PM
Care and storage
Cleaning the boat ture with clean, dry rags. NOTICE: Be
careful not to get water on the air filter
area or electrical components. Do not
Gasoline and its vapors are highly flamma- use high-pressure water when rinsing
ble and explosive. If there is fuel or a fu- the engine or engine compartment as
el/water mixture in the engine severe engine damage could result.
compartment or the fuel tank compart- (4) Open the rear platform hatch. (See page
ment, wipe it up immediately with dry rags. 63 for rear platform hatch opening and
Do not operate the boat until the source of closing procedures.)
the fuel leak is found and corrected. (5) Remove the access port cap to let any
water drain that has pooled on it. (See
Quality Yamaclean , Yamashield™, and oth- page 126 for access port cap removal
and installation procedures.) If the boat
er Yamalube care products are available from
will be stored on the trailer nearby, leave
your Yamaha Boat Dealer.
the cap out until you prepare to launch
(1) Remove the hull drain plug. (See page 82
the boat again. If the boat will be trans-
for hull drain plug removal and installa-
ported on the trailer any distance, tem-
tion procedures.)
porarily reinstall the cap and close the
hatch until you get home. Open the hatch
again when you arrive and remove the
cap as before. Leave the cap loose until
you plan to transport the boat on the
trailer again. NOTICE: Leaving the ac-
cess port cap out when you are not
using or transporting the boat helps
keep it from becoming stuck in the ac-
1 cess port. (See page 126 for more in-
1 Hull drain plug (6) Securely install the hull drain plug by
tightening it until it stop. NOTICE: Be-
(2) Clean the hull, boat interior, and drive
fore installing the hull drain plug, clean
unit with Yamaclean Wash & Wax Con-
the drain plug thread and O-ring to re-
centrate, or a mild natural soap, and wa-
move any foreign materials, such as
ter. Rinse with fresh water. Scum on the
dirt or sand. Otherwise, the hull drain
hull can be removed with Yamaclean Hull
plug could be damaged, allowing wa-
Cleaner™. NOTICE: Incorrect cleaning
ter to enter the hull. Check the O-ring
can damage vinyl. See “Basic stain
on the hull drain plug and make sure
guide” on page 114.
that the hull drain plug is tightened se-
(3) Clean the engine and bilge areas with
curely before launching the boat. Oth-
Yamaclean Bilge Cleaner™ or an equiv-
erwise, water may flood the boat and
alent and rinse with fresh water. Drain all
cause it to submerge.
water and wipe up any remaining mois-