Page 112 - LIT-18626-13-52
P. 112 Page 105 Monday, May 17, 2021 1:01 PM
Post-operation checks ver up to half throttle and back to idle for
These post-operation procedures are devel- 10 to 15 seconds. NOTICE: Do not run
oped to help preserve the long-term appear- the engine over 4000 r/min on land. Al-
ance and reliability of your boat. Perform so, do not run the engine for more
these procedures as soon as possible after than 15 seconds without supplying
the boat is loaded back on the trailer after the water, otherwise, the engine could
day’s use. overheat and/or seize.
Some owners prefer to moor their boat sea- (3) Stop the engine.
sonally, rather than keeping it on the trailer (4) Wash down the hull, helm, and jet drive
between uses. Extended mooring is not unit with fresh water.
recommended by Yamaha, but can be (5) Open the rear platform hatch. (See page
performed if proper precautions are taken 63 for rear platform hatch opening and
to help guard against prolonged environ- closing procedures.)
mental exposure and marine growth. (6) Remove the access port cap to let any
Proper flushing of the cooling system is not water drain that has pooled on it. (See
possible with the boat in the water. In addi- page 126 for access port cap removal
tion, conditions such as stray electrical volt- and installation procedures.) If the boat
age in the water, marine organisms, and will be stored on the trailer nearby, leave
saltwater corrosion can adversely affect the the cap out until you prepare to launch
life of many boat components. NOTICE: the boat again. If the boat will be trans-
Leaving the boat in the water for extended ported on the trailer any distance, tem-
periods will accelerate the rate of normal porarily reinstall the cap and close the
deterioration of the exposed drive compo- hatch until you get home. Open the hatch
nents. again when you arrive and remove the
If you do decide to moor your boat, be sure to cap as before. Leave the cap loose until
remove it from the water periodically to clean you plan to transport the boat on the
the hull and jet pump area. The frequency of trailer again. NOTICE: Leaving the ac-
maintenance required will depend upon cess port cap out when you are not
whether the water is salt water or fresh water using or transporting the boat helps
and other local water conditions. See your keep it from becoming stuck in the ac-
dealer for additional preventative mainte- cess port.
nance recommendations on mooring and/or (7) Remove the hull drain plug. (See page
saltwater use for your area. 81.)
(1) After putting the boat on the trailer, flush (8) Rinse the engine compartment with a
the cooling system to prevent the cooling small amount of fresh water. Be careful
system from clogging up with salt, sand, not to get water on the air filter area or
or dirt. (See page 111 for the cooling sys- electrical components. Allow any water
tem flushing procedure.) in the bilge to drain out. After the water
(2) Drain residual water from the exhaust has drained, wipe the engine compart-
system by starting the engine, and then ment and bilge with dry rags.
alternately pushing the remote control le-